Enough about moms! Let us hear it for guys this time!

FB_IMG_1560600394844The men who make our hearts melt the first time we see them holding our tiny babies. The ones who don’t hesitate taking the baby out for a walk because babies are a lot of work and you definitely need to shower in some peace and quiet. The ones who step up to change messy diapers when you are recovering post-partum! (even though you never actually will recover from it…)


It is time we cheer for men who don’t babysit – they parent!

The men who hold us up and push us forward in our weak moments. The ones who come back home from a long day at work, all geared up to pitch in. And, also the ones who stay at home with kids so that we can take our careers forward and bring home a pay check!

The ones who will order food for breakfast on weekends and bring you morning coffee for no reasons! The ones who will assemble tent houses and toy wardrobes with 143 pieces without complaining and so much ease!


The ones who will laugh around and play football in the living room, even with a painful neck because they know how much the kids love it! Even though it wears them out like nothing!



The ones who carry a diaper bag, a toddler and a baby carrier and still look hot!


The dads who let their daughters dress them up!



Let us call out the dads who are strong enough to carry our grown up kids around even if they can walk but are vulnerable enough to think about walking their daughter down the aisle someday.


The dads who remind us that we are humans before mothers and much more than just a caretaker for our babies. The ones who make sure we are sane and ensure we get regular time outs too.


The ones who put our demands before their own needs and are content without any recognition and awards. The dads who cheer us up, motivate us and yet remain our punching bags because the kids were tantrummy!

The ones who support our purpose, passion and work.


The ones who work hard, play hard and love harder. The ones who make our life fun and worthy!



I think we all agree, we never thought we could love you any more until the day you became a father.


So, here is a shout out to you, dads! Because you deserve it! You are worth it!






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