Incredible annoying gift ideas that will make parents hate you!


FB_IMG_1550646186664If you are someone like me, you will have a lot of friends and relatives. Especially the ones that mean well and love to pamper our little ones with gifts every now and then. But let’s be honest, some gifts are better not given. You know the ones that either take as much of space as a three seater sofa or their constant noise making disrupts the peace of your home and of course, your sanity! As a mom of two, and a receiver of plenty such gifts, I request you to do some research next time you are out playing Santa. Here is a list of my top UNWANTED gifts (most of them given by some closes relatives) that you should avoid:

  1. Toys that make a mess of your house

Especially if the mess is a permanent one. Of course, paints will spill and leave stains on table, furniture and walls. I suggest you spare yourself the misery of being an indirect source of the nightmare of a parent. If you want to nurture the budding artist in the child, opt for coloured pencils, origami paper or colouring books. It does not even matter if the paints are washable. Just because a mom is able to wash it does not mean she would love to.



  1. Toys which are too big

I live in a relatively smaller house and no, every house does not have an extra room for those toys that take up the space of entire furniture. So, if you haven’t seen the house yourself, stay away from gifting train tracks, indoor jungle gyms, trampolines, baby swings, life-size stuffed animals and play tunnels. The list can go on and on…. but you get the picture, right?



  1. Toy weapons

Honestly these are a simple no. I do not see the need to encourage a child to think they are cool. I without a doubt suggest more peace loving gifts and nothing that promotes violence. Whether it’s a light saber or water gun – let the parent get these themselves if they like.



  1. High maintenance gifts

Or any maintenance at all! You see, anything that needs maintenance should be on your not to buy list because you know who is going to end up taking care of it. There is nothing like seeing the face of a kid who just got a real life gold fish as a gift. But you will not be there when the mom will be cursing you for giving that when she has to clean the tank every now and then. Opt for something like a book or take them to an aquarium.

  1. Toys that make noise

Especially if you cannot turn the noise off. Imagine bearing traffic noise for hours’ even after you are back home from work. Or the sound of a little doll making lights and noises all around the room bumping walls. Let me tell you, there are loads of them in the market and seem pretty attractive. But the truth is, your mom friend enjoys the peace that comes with a kid being engaged with a toy so better buy something that does not break the silence. The same goes for toys that play music. Kids are good at making enough noises themselves, they do not need extra help.



  1. Toys that come in million pieces

I have a love-hate relationship with pay kitchens. Kitchen sets, Legos, building blocks and their other likes are terrific when it comes to learning but if you have stepped on one of it in the middle of the night, you know what I am implying. Also, if one piece goes missing, get ready for a full-blown meltdown. While kids learn a lot from these gifts, let the parents themselves do the honours. Why not opt for simple teddy bears or cute dolls?



Now that you have read my list, I would love to know yours? Which are the ones you hate receiving? Are you guilty too of giving these gifts?


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